A mass of people is on the move. Individuals connected by equal ideals or common motives. The group manifests itself as a whole, the individual disappears. Within the continuous human crowd patterns emerge. These repetitive structures bring about an association with wallpaper. The comparison is not only formal but also substantive. As with wallpaper, the repetitive, the unchangeable and the endlessness of the continuous stream weakens the attention. You get used to it, it becomes ordinary. To what extent does it still affect you?
Field IV 2023 oil on canvas 70 x 50 cm
Field V 2023 oil on canvas 50 x 70 cm
Field III 2023 oil on canvas 50 x 70 cm
Field II 2023 oil on canvas 70 x 50 cm
Field I 2023 oil on canvas 70 x 50 cm
Morgen (Tomorrow) 2017 oil on canvas 110 x 80 cm
Crowd XII (Wallpapers XXI) 2017 oil on canvas 260 x 390 cm
Crowd XIII (WalpapersXXII) 2017 oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm
Crowd XIV (Wallpapers XXIII) 2017 oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm
Crowd XV (Wallpapers XXIV) oil on canvas 150 x 200 cm
In the queue II 2013 oil on canvas 150 x 90 cm
Trial I 2010 oil on canvas 90 X 70 cm
Search II 2005 oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm
Search I 2005 Oil on canvas 15 pieces 40 x 50 cm each
Forum II 2005 oil on canvas 135 x 170 cm
Forum I 2005 oil on canvas 135 x 150 cm
Bullfight I 2001 acrylic on canvas 30 pieces 24 x 35 cm each detail
Bullfight I 2001 acrylic on canvas 30 pieces 24 x 35 cm each detail
Bullfight I 2001 acrylic on canvas 30 pieces 24 x 35 cm each